Amber's BB's

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Dropping the baby (err I mean) When the baby drops!

I am now 32 wks and very excited and anxious to have little Ella. During the last couple of weeks of pregnancy most woman feel the baby "drop" as a way of getting into position for child birth. Well, since my hips are as wide as the Grand Canyon (I can thank puberty and a weird set of genes for that one) the baby can "drop" any time she wants to, and then move back up, and then drop again. It is apparently "free range" in my uterus with the baby moseying any where she wants to. The benefit to this, however, is that the baby has plenty of room to pass through the birth canal when I go into labor, so I really don't have to worry about her getting "stuck" and needing a C-section.

Little Ella is still boring and healthy but after my last trip to the midwife I find out she is a little on the small side. This is to be expected since I am only average and Dave, himself is not a large man. Plus, even though Malina was a full-term (and 3 days) baby and I gained 40 lbs., she still only weighed 6 1/2 lbs at birth. But the troubling thing is that the height of my fundus is not matching how many weeks I am. Wait sorry, let me put that in non-baby terms. When I go to the mid-wife she measures the "length of my stomach" (which for some reason they call the "fundus") in centimeters. That number should correlate to approximately how many weeks pregnant I am; give or take 2 centimeters. I was always right on the mark with Malina but my last measurement was off by 3 centimeters (too small, that is). And my weight was a little low. After your 20 wk mark, a pregnant woman should gain about a pound/ week until the baby is born. I have been seeing my midwife every 4 wks, so at this last weigh-in I should have gained 4 more lbs. from before, but I have only gained 2 lbs. This does not seem to worry my mid-wife, at least not yet. ( I am sure if I come in next time with a small "fundus" and low weight gain it will worry her) But it certainly has me concerned. This may seem minor, and it probably is but I don't want it to turn into something major. My only thought is that I need to eat more! Yes! NO. You would think that a pregnant woman would have no problem eating, and if you have ever seem me satisfying a craving you would know. But that is the problem. Food for me is not appetizing at all unless it is something I am craving (and then it is pure food nirvana). So now I have been wandering around the grocery store aimlessly, circling the aisles, trying to get a craving for something. Which has led me to some crazy food combinations. My latest is hot dogs (no bun) dipped in eggplant humus.

Dave seems to be managing my mood swings and food cravings alot easier this time around. It could be because he just started a new job and is pleasantly distracted by that instead. I am very happy with the new place he is working because he works about 20 hrs. less, never on the weekend, and he gets paid more an hour. The downside of course is that he is not working with his best friend anymore. That is why he got a new job; Jason and Dave had some "creative differences" that apparently couldn't be resolved. The whole thing has left Dave a little downtrodden but being able to put his daughter to sleep every night (which he didn't get to do before) has certainly helped.

Speaking of Malina Fay, who is almost.....Gasp......One years old, is well on her way to walking. But as I have said before she is a very cautious child and doesn't like to take chances; its more like calculated risks. She will not walk around the room if you are just holding her hands, with nothing in front of her. She will on the other hand, walk, stand, and bend down if she has something in front of her she can push, like a: kid-sized car, her walker, or a toy she has that resembles a lawn mower. The fact that she will take her time and consider every angle before really doing something makes me feel better, as though she won't recklessly put herself in harms way, as some other eager-to-learn babies might. But at the same time it is frustrating because, little Ella is coming soon and I don't want to have to try and carry 2 babies at the same time. (I mean, what if I dropped one of them? Or both!!)

All things condsidered our little life here seems to be going pretty smoothly. We won't be moving exactly the way we wanted to; instead of moving to another apartment complex with a w/d in the apartment we are moving to an apartment insided our same complex that has the w/d room literally right next door. We can't move until the end of June and although the apartment isn't very far away from where we are now the thought of not having Ella's room set up until she is only a couple of weeks away makes me anxious. Especially since I like to do things myself and I really probably need some help to get everything the way I want it. (DISCLAIMER: I know being pregnant makes me moodier and more stubborn than I was before and I would like to apologize in advance to anyone I yell at and/ or offend while they may be helping me move and/or setting up Ella's room. I am sorry, I really don't mean it and I very much appreciate your help.) But I guess if Cameron and Sara can do it, there is no reason why we can't give it the ol' college try. And besides we don't have to move as far as they did, nor do we have as much stuff. Still I will feel better once we are moved and settled in and the only thing I really have to worry about is enjoying alone time with Malina before Ella comes.


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