Amber's BB's

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Girl Power

About two weeks ago we had our ultrasound and officially it is a girl! We did want a boy (not that there is anything wrong with a girl--or so Dave keeps telling himself) but it would have been nice to have the experience of raising both a girl and boy. Suddenly, I realized that Dave will be in a house surrounded by women (girls), but more importantly, I will be surrounded by girls. Yes, I am stating the obvious but the problem is, suddenly I am not so sure that I am a suitable role model to raise two girls; two girls to be well rounded, loving, free thinking, bold, creative, entertaining, likeable adults. That's a lot of pressure. I know that one isn't even walking yet and the other isn't born but my family is predominantly male, so I'm not sure I even know how to act around a bunch of girls. Well, that's not true exactly, but I definitely get along better with guys than girls. I guess my biggest concern is that I am not a "girly-girl" at all, so how am I going to teach two girls (let alone one) to be feminine? Suddenly I have urges to get fake nails (which I hate), go shopping, wear makeup all the time, and (gasp) shave my legs more than once a week! I'm sure it will pass, it just seems to be the newest thing worrying me.

Other than that the baby is doing fine. I am 20 weeks along now, and officially due as of July 23 rd. Although it feels like she is coming out now. She will wedge herself into a tight little corner in my womb and then do somersaults, rolling over and over, as if she looking for a weak point in the uterus-defense line where she can break through. The whole thing is kinda painful and kinda enjoyable; I never felt this much activity from Malina.

Speaking of Ms. Malina Fay, she is an astounding 9 mo. now and I cannot believe how quickly she is learning new skills. She crawls now, on her stomach, and can move rather quickly across the room if she gets proper motivation (usually a favorite toy, or our DVDs that she seems adamant on getting into--the downside to her new mobility) She had tried crawling with her stomach off the ground, in true crawling fashion, alternating knee then hand but as soon a she put a hand down her elbow collasped under the weight (of her giant head perhaps? really, the thing is huge!) and she fell face first onto the carpet. Poor thing! So, needless to say she hasn't tried crawling up off the ground and may not for a little while still--I am ok with that. My little baby is getting to big to fast. She has been a chubbo-fatty-fat for a couple months now (92 percentile for weight & only 50 percentile for height) but it seems she is starting to lengthen out and I am guessing that at her next doctors appt. her height will have caught up with her weight. And her top two teeth finally came through (at the same time) and we are trying to get her to eat more solidy type foods but she is rather reluctant (Dave's word for it is "lazy") but she seems to be catching on to the whole drinking from a cup thing. She can even almost drink by herself, I just have to watch her because she likes to tip it upside down and shake it !