Amber's BB's

Thursday, November 01, 2007

I know I've been a bad blogger. I started a new job shortly after my last post and I am still struggling to balance everything. Well I guess better late than never.....The girls had a very fun Halloween. This was the first year Ella could "participate" and she loved it--all of it. The attention (everyone told her how cute she was), the candy, being out late. Malina, almost a seasoned pro (this being her 2nd year Trick-or-treating)was very good at making the night progress. The first house we went to, Ella picked a piece of candy and then Malina proclaimed "my turn" and then "next house". We live in Puyallup, which if you didn't know, is parent-mecca for raising little babies, and a pretty cool little town. There were ALOT of kids out, which the girls loved, and Malina said "Happy Halloween" to every single one of them.

This year my mom threw a Halloween party, I missed about half of it because I had to work but, it looked like the girls had fun with their cousins.
