Amber's BB's

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Boring and Healthy

While I was pregnant, and during my delivery with Malina the common phrase from my midwife was "boring and healthy". That is to say that I was healthy with no complications and so was the baby. Well it appears to be a common theme with me because once again, with this baby, I am "boring and healthy". You will note I say this with some dismay, and in truth I don't actually want anything to be wrong with my little baby or myself but it seems as though when I was pregnant with Malina every little tincey, tiny "boring" thing was such a big deal. I mean, just being pregnant was a big deal. And for some reason it isn't that way now. Maybe it's because I've already had a baby and I know what to expect or maybe it's just that I'm busy enough taking care of Malina that I don't have time to be constantly obsessing over the little one in my belly. (I mean, even the Quad Screen which is known for being notoriously false-positive came back completely negative first time around!)

I am now 25 wks (6 mo.) pregnant and once again officially not enjoying my pregnancy. My back now starts to hurt all the time and I have to literally hold my belly and roll it over with me at night, to move positions. Although I did learn my lesson from my last pregnancy and I have spared no expense to buy pregnancy clothes that are comfortable and fit me correctly. Last time I had such an issue buying the expensive maternity clothes that I thought I would only be wearing for the 9 mo. I was pregnant (and the 9 mo. after, but I was naive and thought I would be wearing my old clothes right after I gave birth. Ha!) that I was miserably hot and uncomfortable and not enjoyable to be around. But this time is much better.

We do have a name picked out for our little girl, with much deliberation we decided we liked .............Ella Noeme Howard..........(I know, Noeme? How do you say that? Well if you seen it in the dictionary spelled phonetically it would look like this --> "Noemee" with the first 'e' short and the second 'e' long.) So it will be .......Malina Fay & Ella Noeme.......the Howard girls.

Malina has now mastered the art of crawling with her stomach off the floor and very quickly has added the ability to pull herself up into a standing position and to fall smack dab on her butt. This is something she is truly an expert at because, since she first pulled herself up and then teetered over and fell on her head and started crying, she decided that was not the way to do things. So, after that she would pull herself up, then while still holding on, she would stick her butt out, lean back and fall, on purpose, smack dab on her butt. Then she would pull herself up and do that over and over again. Watching her one night, I counted 20 times in a row. I guess she figured if she was going to fall she might as well learn to do on the cushiest part of her body. My baby is a genius! Well, maybe a little Einstein she is not but, at least she isn't stupid.

Everything else is going just as fine as can be expected. We would like to move in the next month- month and a half to an apartment we like that is gated and has a washer and dryer (because let's face it, I will be doing alot of laundry.) And I have planned to continue working until the end of June, depending on how I feel of course. Watching the other 2 kids and Malina isn't as hard as it may sound, the only thing is, as with all children is that it's not harder to do things, it just takes longer to do them. So really all you need is patience and not worry about any kind of agenda- unless it's to have fun.